Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Summertime means hot weather, which can be a concern for many dog owners. Dogs can suffer from heat stroke and other health problems if they are not kept cool during extreme temperatures. This blog post will discuss some tips for keeping your dog cool in hot weather.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Heatstroke in dogs

Dogs are at risk of heatstroke in warm weather. Symptoms of heatstroke include panting, excessive drooling, bright red gums, and tongue, vomiting, diarrhoea, and collapse. If you think your dog has heatstroke, move them to a cool area immediately and wet their coat with cool (not cold) water. Take them to the vet as soon as possible. You can prevent heatstroke by not leaving your dog in a car on a warm day, providing them with plenty of water and shade when they are outside, and not exercising them too strenuously in warm weather. Be aware of the signs of heat stroke and take action quickly if you think your dog is suffering from it. With prompt treatment, most dogs make a full recovery.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Dogs in hot cars

It's summertime, and the weather is hot. You may think that taking your dog along for a car ride is a great way to keep them cool, but the reality is that cars can heat up quickly, even on mild days. When it's 80 degrees outdoors, the temperature inside a parked car can reach well over 100 degrees in just a few minutes. And on hot days, the temperature can rise even faster. Dogs are vulnerable to heat stroke when their body temperature exceeds 104 degrees, and they can suffer from organ damage or even die if their body temperature rises to 107 degrees. So, how can you protect your furry friend on hot days? Never leave them in the car, even for a minute. If you're running errands, take them with you or leave them at home where they'll be safe and cool. And never leave them alone in a parked car, even with open windows. It's simply not worth the risk.

Tips for keeping your dog cool

The following may seem overly simple but are essential to keeping your dog cool:


Access to clean water

Dogs need plenty of clean water during hot weather to prevent them from getting heat stroke. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water, and keep a close eye on them when it's hot outside. If you see any signs of heatstroke, such as excessive panting or drooling, take action quickly to cool them down. Play an active role in encouraging drinking water.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Avoid taking your dog for walks in the daytime

On hot days, it's best to avoid taking your dog for a walk during the daytime when the sun is at its strongest. The pavement, artificial grass, and even regular grass can all become too hot for your dog's paws. If you must take your dog out during the day, make sure to walk on cooler surfaces like in the shade or on grass that has been well-watered. You should also make sure to have plenty of water for both you and your dog to stay hydrated. Remember, if you're feeling too hot, chances are your dog is feeling the same way. Ideally, walk your dog in the early morning to keep dogs cool.


Cooling treats!

When the weather gets hot, our dogs can suffer just as much as we do. They can get dehydrated quickly, and their fur doesn't offer much protection from the heat. Fortunately, there are some things we can do to help them stay cool. One simple way is to make some "doggy popsicles." Just put your dog's favourite treat or food into an ice cube tray and freeze it. You can also stuff a Kong toy with some wet food and pop it in the freezer for a few hours. When you give it to your dog, they'll enjoy a tasty treat while also getting a chance to cool down. So on hot days, remember to make some frozen treats for your furry friend. They'll be sure to appreciate it!

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Wet their coat

This will help to regulate their body temperature and prevents them from becoming overheated. It is important to use cool water rather than cold water, as extreme temperature changes can be harmful to dogs. Additionally, you should avoid spraying water directly into your dog's face, as this can cause discomfort or even pain. Instead, focus on wetting their back and sides, taking care to avoid sensitive areas such as the belly. 



Swimming is a great way to exercise and playing in the water can help to cool your dog down. However, it's important to be mindful of the sun when you're at the beach. Direct sunlight can cause heatstroke, so make sure you're not in the sun for too long. Another thing to be aware of is salt water. Drinking salt water can make your dog sick, so it's best to stick to fresh water. Finally, be aware of the tide. Many dogs get into trouble when they're caught by surprise by a high tide. If you're going to the beach, make sure you know when the tide is coming in so you can avoid getting caught out. A paddling pool in your garden is perfect for a hot day and allows your dog to look and feel cool in Summer!

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Regular grooming

Although it may seem counterintuitive, regular grooming can actually help your dog stay cooler in the summer heat. When hair is trimmed short, it provides less insulation, which helps the body to regulate its temperature more effectively. In addition, short hair is less likely to become matted and tangled in the heat, which can cause skin irritations. Finally, regular grooming gives you a chance to check for any potential health problems, such as ticks or fleas. So don’t forget to give your four-legged friend a trim when the weather starts to heat up.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Reduce playtime!

Keep your dog's activity level low - dogs can overheat very quickly, especially if they are playing vigorously. Take hot days nice and slowly, keeping your dog as calm as possible. If they want to play, try playing fetch in the shade rather than in the direct sun. Instead of a long walk, keep them short ideally in a shady spot. Be sure to carry water


Fans for dogs?

Because dogs don't sweat through their skin as we do, they rely on panting to regulate their body temperature. Therefore, using a fan on your dog will have little to no effect particularly when it’s very hot. In fact, the air from the fan may actually make your dog hotter as they pant harder to cool down. So fans are not the best way to keep your dog cool. However, there are other ways you can use fans to help your furry friend. For example, you can put a fan in front of an open window to create a cross-breeze. This will help to circulate the air and keep your dog cool. You can also put a frozen water bottle in front of the fan. The cold air from the fan will hit the bottle and create a cooling effect for your dog.

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Wet blanket

Popping a wet blanket on your dog's coat will help to evaporate the water and cool them down. This is a great way to keep your dog cool while they're sleeping, as it will help to regulate their body temperature overnight. Just be sure to use a light blanket so it doesn't weigh them down, and make sure the blanket is wet but not dripping.

When should you visit the vet?

If your dog is showing any of the following signs, it's important to visit the vet as soon as possible.

-Excessive panting or drooling

-Increased heart rate

-Elevated body temperature

-Lethargy or weakness

-Diarrhea or vomiting

-Glazed eyes



If you believe your dog is suffering from heatstroke, it's critical to take action right away. Take them to the vet or an emergency animal hospital immediately. Heatstroke can be deadly, so don't delay in getting professional help.


Dogs can overheat very quickly in hot weather, so it's important to take measures to keep them cool. This includes reducing their activity level, using fans wisely, and wetting down their coat with a damp blanket. If your dog begins displaying symptoms of heatstroke, seek veterinary help immediately.


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