Is my dog sensitive to foods?

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to our pets, from whether or not they’re getting enough exercise to what type of food is best for them. And one thing that a lot of pet owners don’t think about is their pet’s sensitivity to different foods and environmental conditions. In this article, we’ll explore some common signs that your pet might be sensitive to certain types of foods and environments, and we’ll give you some tips on how to deal with them.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?

It's important to rule out any underlying health conditions before attributing them to pickiness. One such condition is food sensitivity or intolerance. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the dog symptoms (and cat) that may suggest your dog is intolerant to certain foods or environmental conditions.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?


One of the most common signs that your dog is experiencing sensitivity to something they've eaten is nausea. If your dog is retching and dry heaving without bringing anything up, it's possible that they've ingested something that doesn't agree with them. Pay close attention to what they've eaten in the last 12-24 hours and make a note of any unusual ingredients or substances. 


Skin problems 

Itchy skin, hot spots, hair loss, and general irritation are all common signs of skin sensitivity in dogs. If you notice that your dog is excessively licking or biting at a particular area of its body, it's worth investigating further. Sensitivities can often manifest themselves through the skin, so it's important to take any changes in your dog's appearance seriously.  Skin irritation can also be a sign of allergies. If your dog is scratching excessively, it's important to rule out fleas, as well as any environmental allergies they may have.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?
Is my dog sensitive to foods?

Stomach complaints 

Another common symptom of food sensitivity in dogs is an upset stomach. This can manifest itself in a number of ways, including diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, and gas. If your dog seems uncomfortable or is having trouble maintaining regular bowel movements, it's worth discussing with your veterinarian. They may be able to recommend a dietary change or give you some advice on how best to manage the problem.  A sensitive stomach may also occur after introducing new food into your dog's world so be mindful when trying out something different.


Mood swings 

 Believe it or not, what your dog eats can have a big impact on their mood. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from mood swings if they're not getting the right nutrients from their diet. If you notice that your usually even-tempered pooch has become irritable or listless, it could be a sign that they're sensitive to something in their food. 

Is my dog sensitive to foods?
Is my dog sensitive to foods?


 While not always an indicator of food sensitivity, sudden weight gain can sometimes be attributed to an intolerance to certain ingredients. Dogs who are sensitive to wheat or corn often find themselves putting on weight despite eating the same amount of food as usual. If you notice your dog starting to pack on the pounds for no apparent reason, mention it to your veterinarian during your next visit. They may want to run some tests or make some dietary recommendations. 


What's the difference between food intolerance and food allergies?

Most dog owners are careful about what they feed their pets, but even the best-intentioned dog owner can sometimes end up with a dog with food allergies or food intolerance. So, what's the difference between the two? Food allergies occur when the dog's immune system reacts to a particular ingredient in their food. This reaction can range from mild to severe, and in some cases can even be life-threatening. Food intolerance, on the other hand, is a digestive issue that occurs when the dog's body is unable to properly digest a certain type of food. This can often be resolved by simply switching to a different type of food. However, it's always best to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's diet.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?

How do you identify potential foods and environmental conditions that are causing the issue?

If you think your pet may be reacting adversely to something in their food or environment, the first step is to speak with your veterinarian. They will likely recommend a food sensitivity test, which involves taking a sample of your pet's hair and sending it to a lab for analysis. This can help to identify potential culprits and rule out other conditions. Once potential triggers have been identified, you can work with your veterinarian to create a safe and suitable diet for your pet. You may also need to make changes to your pet's environment, such as using hypoallergenic bedding or avoiding contact with certain pollen or mould spores. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your pet remains happy and healthy.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?

just 6 strand is all that’s required…

Is my dog sensitive to foods?

What's a pet hair analysis test?

A pet hair analysis is a test that can be used to determine if your dog has a food sensitivity. The test involves taking a sample of your dog's hair and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory will then look for specific markers that indicate food sensitivity. If the test comes back positive, it means that your dog is likely to experience an adverse reaction to the food in question. This information can be used to help you choose a dog food that is less likely to cause problems for your pet. While a pet hair analysis is not a perfect tool, it can be a helpful way to narrow down the list of potential causes if your dog is experiencing digestive issues or skin problems.


Environmental conditions too

While your dog's symptoms may be caused by their diet, it's also important to consider other potential environmental factors. For instance, if your dog is constantly scratching, it could be because they're allergic to something in their environment, such as dust mites or pollen. A pet hair analysis can help to identify any potential allergies, as well as any environmental conditions that may be causing your dog issues. By understanding all the potential causes of your dog's symptoms, you can work towards finding the best possible solution for them.

Is my dog sensitive to foods?
Is my dog sensitive to foods?

What should you do with your results?

Once a potential trigger is identified, the next step is to carry out an elimination diet. We recommend removing the reacting foods from the dog's diet for 4 weeks. After this period, most clients see an improvement in their pet's symptoms. If there is no improvement after 4 weeks, we recommend consulting with a veterinarian to rule out any other potential health issues.

300 items covered!

The pet hair analysis will cover 300 items that are potential triggers in your dog's life. All items tested are listed in your report, and those which have a sensitivity level of over 85% are classed as an intolerance. The reason we report items above this threshold is that 85% is the point at which you would expect to start experiencing possible symptoms. Anything under this threshold will NOT be causing issues to your pet's health and therefore no reactions or ‘symptoms’. 


Allergic reactions

If you believe your dog is allergic to a certain food, you would need to contact your vet for allergy testing. Food sensitivities and food allergies in dogs are two very different problems and need to be addressed as such. A food allergy is when your dog's immune system reacts to a protein in the food, and this can be severe. Food sensitivity is when your dog's digestive system reacts to a certain ingredient in the food, and while this can cause some discomfort, it is not life-threatening.


What are some common allergy symptoms?

Allergies are quite common in many dogs, and there are a number of different symptoms that can manifest. Rashes are perhaps the most common allergic symptom, but many dogs also experience respiratory complaints, sore eyes, and swelling. In some cases, allergies can even lead to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition.

If you suspect that your dog may be suffering from allergies, it's important to visit a qualified veterinary practitioner. They will be able to diagnose the allergy through either a blood test or skin testing. With the right treatment, many dogs are able to live happy and healthy lives despite their allergies.



A pet hair analysis can help to identify any potential foods, as well as any environmental conditions that may be causing your dog issues. By understanding all the potential causes of your dog's symptoms, you can work towards finding the best possible solution for them. One such solution may be identifying and eliminating food intolerances from their diet. If you believe your dog is experiencing adverse reactions to certain foods, a pet hair analysis can provide valuable information that can help you make more informed decisions about their nutrition.


Don't let your pet suffer any longer!

A Lecker Bite Bioresonance Pet Sensitivity Test is the alternative to mainstream tests that could be causing your pet's health problems. This test is easy-to-follow and will help you discover the source of your pet's symptoms.

With a report of imbalances in common food and environmental triggers, you will be able to make informed decisions about how to better care for your beloved pet. Thousands of people have already seen positive results from using this test - why not you?

Purchase a Lecker Bite Bioresonance Pet Sensitivity Test today!


About Lecker Bites

Lecker Bites provide dogs and cats with the very best in healthy dog food. Our freeze-dried raw dog food provides a balanced diet and is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. We only use the highest quality ingredients, which are ethically sourced and completely natural. Our dog food is grain-free, GMO-free, and contains no artificial additives or preservatives. Our complete meals have been known to help adult dogs with weight loss, stomach upsets and flatulence, as well as increasing energy levels and overall vitality. Puppies and young dogs especially love our food, as it is packed full of flavour and goodness!

We are passionate about dogs and only want what's best for them and their pet parents! We truly believe that our food can make a difference in their health and well-being.

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