organ meats

The simple answer is yes! Dogs can eat organ meat and it can actually be very good for them.

Many people are curious if it's safe to give their dog organ meat. In this blog post, we'll explore the answer to that question and look at some of the health benefits of organ meat for dogs.

Organ meats are a nutritional powerhouse for dogs, packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. While some pet parents shy away from feeding their dog organ meats, there are many benefits to including them in your pet's diet. Not only do they provide superior nutrition, but they can also be a great way to switch up your dog's diet and keep them excited about meals. If you're looking to add some organ meat to your dog's diet, here are a few things to keep in mind.

While all organ meats are packed with nutrients, not all organs are created equal. The liver, for example, is an excellent source of vitamin A, while the kidney provides a good amount of iron. So, when choosing organ meats for your dog, consider which nutrients you're trying to boost and select accordingly.


The benefits of organ meats for dogs

1. Dogs who eat organ meat have a more balanced diet.

2. Organ meats are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.

3. Organ meat can help dogs maintain healthy weights.

4. Eating organ meat can boost your dog's immune system.

5. Organ meat is a great way to add variety to your dog's diet.

Nature’s multivitamins!

organ meats for dogs

Organ meats are often overlooked as a source of nutrients, but they are actually nature's multivitamins. They are an excellent source of protein, iron, and other minerals, and they also contain high levels of vitamins A, D, and B12. In fact, organ meats are so nutrient-dense that they are sometimes referred to as "superfoods." While organ meats may not be everyone's cup of tea, there's no denying that they pack a powerful nutritional punch. So next time you're looking for nutrient-rich food, don't overlook organ meats - they might just be nature's best-kept secret.


Which organs are the best?

The most nutritious components of a dog's body are found in a few select areas.  Internal organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys are some of the most nutrient-rich parts of the animal, and they offer a wide variety of benefits for dogs

The Liver - Glycogen, potassium, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D, K, and E are all present in the liver (and dogs seem to love this!)

The heart is rich in the highly beneficial CoQ10 and taurine, as well as an important amino acid.

Kidneys, spleens, and livers are all nutritious organs for dogs that have high amounts of vitamins A and B, as well as iron. Kidneys provide a variety of minerals like potassium and phosphorus in addition to vitamins D, K, A, and E. They're also excellent sources of iron.

Other organ food, such as the lungs, pancreas, and stomach, have some nutritional value yet are not as nutritious.

Then, there are the less appealing options. - intestine, neck, thyroid, and brain - that are frequently grouped together in mass production with other parts like beaks and hooves.

dogs eat organ meats

How to introduce organs to your dog's meals

Organs are best fed raw, as cooking can destroy some of the nutrients. If you're not comfortable feeding your dog raw organs, you can cook them, but be sure to avoid using any oils or fats.

We advocate a raw diet here at Lecker Bites, and we believe that organs are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet for dogs. If you're new to feeding your dog organs, start slowly and introduce them into your dog's diet gradually. Start with a small amount and increase the amount over time as your dog gets used to the taste and texture.

Some dogs may not be able to tolerate organ meat, so if you notice any changes in your dog's stool or appetite, stop feeding organ meat and consult your veterinarian.

At Lecker Bites, we have some delicious raw food options to introduce your dog to organ meats.

1: We highly recommend our chicken hearts which are our top seller and a quick and convenient way for pet owners to get started - no need to visit your local abattoir or local butcher!

2: Next up are our Tripe mix - If you’re looking for a nutritious, easy-to-feed treat for your dog, look no further than tripe! This unique food is packed with enzymes and probiotic bacteria that support your pet’s immune system, and it’s also highly digestible. Best of all, it comes in a no-mess, no-smell package that’s perfect for busy pet parents. Just add water and serve – your dog will love the taste, and you’ll love the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re giving your furry friend the nutrients he needs to stay healthy and happy.

3: Beef liver drink!

As any pet owner knows, it's important to keep your dog healthy and hydrated. And what better way to do that than with BARF raw feeding? This drink contains freeze-dried Beef Liver, which is packed with nutrients plus, it's suitable for BARF raw feeding, so you can be sure your dog is getting the best possible nutrition.


How much organ meat?

If you follow the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF), it's suggested that you should feed your dogs:

70% raw meat

10% bones

10% organs (of which liver is 5%) and

10% vegetables and fruits

However, experts now believe that organs can account for 15-25% (with the exception of the heart) such is their nutritional density, essential fatty acids and vital nutrients.

Organs account for about 25% of the weight of bigger farm animals. This proportion should also be taken into consideration when developing the diets of our dogs.

can dogs eat organ meat?

Try our Chicken Hearts freeze-dried dog food treats


How often can dogs eat organ meat?

Twice a week would be a good starting point, and then you can increase the frequency as your dog gets used to it. The health benefits will be enjoyed even if your dog only has organs a few times a month.

Can you feed your dog too much organ meat?

Just like with anything, you can overdo it with organ meat. If you're feeding your dog organ meat on a regular basis, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about how much is too much. Too much organ meat can lead to health problems like pancreatitis, so it's important to feed organ meats in moderation.


If you're looking for a way to introduce your dog to organ meat, we have some delicious options here at Lecker Bites. Our chicken hearts are a quick and convenient way to get started, and they offer a variety of health benefits for dogs.

The essential nutrients found in organ meats can be beneficial for dogs of all ages, but it's important to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's diet. Start slowly and increase the amount of organ meat gradually as your dog gets used to the taste and texture. Feeding organ meat a few times a week or month can offer some great health benefits for your dog. Just be sure to avoid overdoing it, as too much organ meat can lead to health problems.

Organs are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet for dogs, and they should be fed in moderation. The chance to make mealtimes more exciting for your dog with nutritionally dense foods like organ meats is one that should not be missed! So scale back the bland dog food and the ever-present muscle meat for a delightful doggy dining experience that is sure to have tails wagging.

If you have any concerns about feeding your dog organ meat, feel free to get in touch and we'll be delighted to offer you expert advice.

Organ Meat Introductions

Nutritious Dog Drink with freeze-dried beef liver
from £3.50
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Wellness - Chicken Hearts
from £3.50
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Digestion - Tripe Mix - Nature's Superfood
from £11.90
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